Shoes Shoes Shoes...
Where do I start?
In my opinion,
these beautiful little masterpieces are
the most important part of our wardrobe...
They can be an amazing accessory or
the star of our entire outfit,
either way being as equally stunning.
Alluring, tempting, irresistible...
clean and delightful, just sitting on the shoe shop shelves
hypnotizing us to put them on our feet.
Buying a new pair of shoes is one of the most thrilling
highlights to a girls (or guys) day.
What is it about a pair of shoes
that can have this affect on us ?
How do they have so much power?
Maybe it's because our feet and shoes keep us grounded...
as well as empowering us, lifting us up closer to the sky.
Maybe because our shoes help carry us
through our days, through our lives...
They protect and embellish our feet
as we go out and take on the world.
If we have our head down,
there they are at the very bottom,
in all their gorgeousness,
reminding us that we rock! And to keep our head up.
Yes! An incredible pair of shoes has that much power.
Every woman, and many many men too,
have at one time had
a love affair with shoes
and I completely understand why.